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The City of Twin Valley has lot sets available for residential housing - new home construction in Herold's Addition located in the NW portion of town. The City has established these available lots in sets of two and the cost of the sets are at a minimal cost of $1,750. New construction incentives apply to eligible new owners who meet the covenants. Lot sizes are approx. 80x150 & 90x150-giving a double lot of 160x150 or 180x150.  (Zoning Land Use Setbacks apply.)

Potential buyer(s) can apply for one (1) free lot with the agreement that they must purchase the second adjoining lot as part of the lot.

The price of the second lot (valued at $5000.00) is set at One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($1,750.00).

An application must be completed and signed by all persons who will have an interest in the property (ex: husband/wife) for the legal title and transfer of said lots and property. Persons must be of legal age to be able to enter into an agreement with the City of Twin Valley for the purchase of property.  Once the application is received, it will be submitted to the Twin Valley City Council for approval.

The City of Twin Valley will transfer the property to the new owner by Quit Claim Deed, drafted by the City Attorney.  If the buyer wishes to have an abstract prepared, they can purchase one at their own expense.

The Buyer is responsible for the recording of the Deed and all applicable fees required by the Norman County Recorder’s office. 


Incentive Requirements: They City of Twin Valley will transfer full title to lots only if all of the following criteria are agreed upon:

  • New homes, whether constructed or manufactured, must comply with all subdivision covenants and all land use and zoning ordinance requirements.
  • Buyers and Builders must comply with all state and county licensing codes (electrical, plumbing, etc.) as required.
  • Property owner’s will submit a building permit application to the City of Twin Valley with project specifications and details for council approval prior to beginning construction.
  • The new home must have a minimum of 1,200 square feet of living space.
  • All lot recipients are responsible for preparing the lot for proper grading and drainage according to current local, county, or state guidelines.
  • Applicant/Owner must complete construction within twelve (12) months of approval and the property must be the permanent residence of the applicant/owner.
  • Taxes will be paid by the City of Twin Valley for the current year, ending December 31 of the contract year.  Tax liability, thereafter, becomes the sole responsibility of the lot recipient.


Penalties will apply if the requirements of the incentive program are not met.  All charges for connections, assessments, free lot value of $5000.00, etc., will be applied if construction is not completed with in the designated twelve (12) months. (The City does understand some things are out of a homeowners control, however.  The Council will review this requirement on a case by case basis as necessary.)


Covenants governing the development of the Herold Court Sub-division,Twin Valley, Minnesota

 In addition to abiding by requirements set forth by the Twin Valley R1 and R2 zoning ordinance, the following covenants shall govern the development of the Herold Court Sub-division in Twin Valley:

  1. Structures must be built upon a permanent foundation. (Permanent foundation is defined as being constructed with material consistent with standard dwelling construction methods, to include a foundation with footings below the frost line.)
  2. Must meet requirements outlined in Twin Valley Zoning Ordinance Chapter 151.
  3. Residence or dwelling units are the only type of construction allowed.
  4. No commercial buildings will be permitted.
  5. Only new home construction, or new manufactured homes will be allowed.
  6. Commercial kennels will not be permitted.
  7. No temporary structures.

Possible Improvements: The City has discussed paving improvements to Herold’s Addition.  The City will follow Minnesota State Statutes Chapter 429 by holding informational meetings and/or hearings for those who reside in that addition to present information such as: Engineer estimates, proposed assessments, and to hear public concern and comments from those affected by the proposed improvements.


 Herold Court Lots Map of Herold's Court available lot sets